gtag('config', 'AW-11361731912');

Missouri: 816.281.5400 | Kansas: 913.281.5400 | Arkansas: 479.358.6800

You can spend countless hours having the countertops sparkly, the floors clean, and the furniture dust-free, but often we forget about cleaning baseboards. Take the following article as your reminder to clean your baseboards. Clean Heart Maids put together the top tips for cleaning baseboards, the processes to use, and the supplies you need. Get ready to have clean baseboards in your home.

The Step-By-Step Process On Cleaning Baseboards

Step 1

Get rid of as much dust and dirt as you can. You can use a vacuum with a brush attachment to suction along the baseboards’ length.

Step 2

After removing the surface dust, it may leave you with grime or nasty marks that stand out.  You will find that the kitchen baseboards show quite the display of stains and dirt, so be prepared! 

Use a mix of warm water and dish soap and start scrubbing the marks, it may take a little elbow grease, but even stubborn stains should lift from your woodwork.

Step 3

Get into the corners.  Once you start to see the stains lift, your motivation will ramp up a notch. That is when you will likely spot those hard-to-reach corners that love to harbor more grime. Take a cotton swab and dip it into the soapy solution and then fit it into the tight spaces to absorb the dirt. This step will feel especially satisfying.

cleaning base boards and the corners

Step 4

As a final touch, use a dryer sheet to run along the clean baseboards. A dryer sheet does more than leaving a lovely scent in the home but also acts to repel dust. Using a dryer sheet is a pro tip to preventing dust and grime from gathering as often.  

Tips To Clean Baseboards More Effectively

Do Not Get Overwhelmed

When you get overwhelmed, you get very little done. One great tip that we have for you is cleaning baseboards one room at a time. In other words, every time you are carrying out some cleaning in your home, commit to taking that cleaning bucket into one room of the house and tackling the baseboards in that room thoroughly. 

how to clean baseboards step by step

Focusing on one specific area to clean can work wonders because it stops the task from becoming mission impossible and instead turns it into an easier bitesize project. 

Use Natural Solutions

Vinegar is a wonderful, natural cleaner. When you are completing step 2, you could try mixing a solution of vinegar and water instead of dish soap to see if it has the desired cleaning effect.

Make It A Family Event

If you have the desire to clean all of the baseboards in your house at the same time, rather than our suggestion mentioned above of doing one room at a time, you could invest the energy of the whole family.

Make it an exciting family event that will be rewarded with special treats. It is true that the kids may not jump at the opportunity of spending a Saturday afternoon cleaning. Still, in reality, they are likely to feel accomplished from seeing how their efforts can transform something that looked worse for wear into sparkly magic.

Try The Magic Eraser Method

Another tip that can come in handy is to get yourself a stack of magic erasers. Use these along with the warm water to wipe along the baseboards for a more effortless clean.

cleaning baseboards guide

Consider Using Cleaning Wipes If You Have A Small Living Space

If you live in a small apartment or home that only has a handful of rooms, you may be able to skip the bucket of warm water and simply grab a pack of cleaning wipes. However, we all should be trying to make good decisions for our environment, so anything disposable may go against that goal. Perhaps use the wipes method as an occasional touchup to find a halfway compromise.

Pair An Odd Sock With A Disposable Toilet Wand

This little tip can work wonders. Place a sock over a disposable toilet wand, dip it in your chosen cleaning liquid, and get scrubbing. This can be a great way to work at stubborn stains.

The Ideal Solution To Having Beautiful Woodwork In Your Home

We have provided you with a detailed step-by-step process to getting those baseboards in your home clean and appealing, not only for any visitors that may come by but also for you to have pride in your home as your safe haven.

All that being said, you may already be struggling to find time to keep the visible parts of your home clean and tidy, let alone finding time for cleaning baseboards. That is where our ideal solution comes into play.

Why not treat yourself and hire the services of a team of cleaning experts like Clean Heart Maids? Allow a team that knows how to bring baseboards back to their former glory and is passionate about cleaning and getting the job done right. Hiring professionals comes with many advantages: 

The Time Advantage

Instead of tackling the task over weeks or even months, an expert team will come in and have the baseboards cleaned and sparkly in the time frame of one day. You will start the day with dirty baseboards that you don’t want to even look at and finish the day with sparkly ones that you quite simply can’t take your eyes off. 

Indeed, there is nothing quite as satisfying as knowing that your home has beautiful gleaming baseboards, so why not treat yourself and have a team of experts do the ‘dirty work’ for you? Contact Clean Heart Maids for help with cleaning baseboards and all your home cleaning needs!