gtag('config', 'AW-11361731912');

Missouri: 816.281.5400 | Kansas: 913.281.5400 | Arkansas: 479.358.6800

Cleaning is a big part of everybody’s life, and making it as easy as possible is essential to save time and energy. For this reason, many techniques have been developed to make cleaning as effortless as possible. A magic eraser is one of these creative cleaning techniques. In the following article, Clean Heart Maid’s dives into the top creative ways to use a magic eraser. 

What is a Magic Eraser?

Basically, a magic eraser is a foam-like material manufactured with formaldehyde-melamine-sodium bisulfite, a chemical that makes all sorts of stains erasable. Mr. Clean’s Magic Eraser is one of the most well-known magic eraser brands. One of the reasons the cleaning tool is considered “magic” is that the eraser only needs water to do the job. Keep reading to discover more about the miracle cleaning product. 

benefits of magic erasers

cleaning with a magic eraser

The Durability of Magic Erasers

Magic erasers are famous because of the way they make cleaning look magical. Just like their name, they have the ability to

magically erase stains. With that said, many people wonder how long these wonderful helpers in cleaning last once they are bought. Unfortunately, there is no direct answer to that. How long the eraser lasts typically depends on where they are used and how often they are used.

For example, if a magic eraser is used to remove stains from wide areas that are rough and dirty, they are likely to wear out quickly. However, if used for simple and routine cleaning procedures such as wiping kitchen sinks, then they are more likely to last longer. If the erasers are used on smooth surfaces alone, they can last for a very long time. However, the magic erasers are loved more for their effectiveness despite the amount of time they last.  

Making an Eraser Last Longer

There are a few secrets that can help in making a magic eraser last longer. First and foremost, the eraser should only be used when necessary. The problem with a lot of people is that they use erasers in all their cleaning routines. The eraser should be used only in the case of stubborn stains that normal detergent cannot wash off. That way, the magic eraser doesn’t get overused hence lasts longer.

Secondly, it is better to avoid using a magic eraser on rough surfaces because the spongy material of the easier isn’t friction tolerable. Therefore, using it on rough surfaces makes it wear out fast. Restricting the use of a magic eraser to smooth surfaces is another proven way of making them last longer. Additionally, the longer they last, the less money one spends purchasing them.

Last but not least, it is important to use the magic eraser creatively. Even though a magic eraser can be used dry, it can be made to absorb more dirt by adding some water to it. Not only does this make work easier, but it also means that the scrubber is used for a shorter time to achieve the same results. That way, the scrubber does not get worn out easily, and it ends up lasting longer. Keep reading for more creative ways to use the eraser around the house. 

12 Tips for the Use of a Magic Eraser

Cleaning Sinks

Getting stains from a sink can be stressful. However, a magic eraser dampened with some water will wipe the stains like it is magic. Mr. Clean’s eraser will transform dirty sinks to look brand new all over again. This applies to all types of sinks, whether in the washroom or kitchen.

cleaning with a magic eraser

magic eraser


Wall stains are not only embarrassing but ugly.  Dirty walls can be because of children playing and drawing on them or pets being messy. Either way, an eraser rubbed over the stains eliminates them. Whether it is the walls inside or in outdoor areas, a magic eraser will simply work its magic.

Glass Cleaning

Anyone ever wondered how a delicate glass could be cleaned of its stains? Well, a magic eraser is the easiest solution. Some types of glassware can be delicate, and scrubbing is not an option. Softly running a wet eraser over them will get rid of all the stains.

Sticker Residues

Sticker residues are probably the most frustrating stains to get rid of. Whether they are on clothing or other new items, getting rid of them can be hectic. However, a damp eraser will work the magic. Enjoying new purchases isn’t hard anymore because dealing with the sticker stains has been made easy.

Rust Removal

To effectively remove rust from any surface, just take a moist magic eraser and rub off the rust stains. Gently repeat the rubbing process until all the stains are eliminated. Dealing with rust, especially in cold and humid seasons, is a big part of cleaning, but thankfully, it is no longer hard.

Fabric Stains

Dealing with messy kids can be hectic. There will always be stained fabrics, starting from their own clothes to their toys to the couch fabrics. However, rubbing on stained fabrics with a wet magic eraser eliminates them quickly, making parenting so much easier. 

Toilet Cleaning

A dirty toilet, whether at home or work, is the last thing anyone needs to deal with. Toilet stains are not easy to get rid of, especially when using regular detergent. However, the famous eraser will make the stains disappear in minutes, leaving the toilet looking clean and sparkly.

Crayon Marks

Crayons marks and stains are inevitable when there are kids at home. As much as kids need to learn and play with crayons, they can be messy sometimes. However, wiping them off with a dry magic eraser will allow kids to continue learning without the cleaner worrying too much about the mess.

Marker Removal

Marker is not easy to get rid of, especially when a permanent marker is used. However, with a moist eraser, nothing is permanent anymore. Scrubbing the sponge on the writings rubs them off in seconds.

Carpet Cleaning

Many people avoid white or bright colored carpets because of stains. However, with a magic eraser, color and vibrancy can be added to a home without worrying too much about possible stains and cleaning. Rubbing the stubborn stains with a wet eraser can clean the carpet effectively.

removing paint with magic eraser

removing paint with a magic eraser

Paint Removal

Not only is a magic eraser used for normal cleaning, but constructors can also rely on it to wipe off paints. Painting can be messy, and some unintended surfaces may end up with the paint. Rubbing a moist eraser through surfaces wipes off the paint and keeps your project on track. 

Soap Scum Removal

People living in areas with hard water know soap scum can be hard to get rid of. Stained basins are not pleasant to use either. However, a magic eraser should get rid of the soap scum in seconds. 

In conclusion, it is only fair to state that a magic eraser is one of the top cleaning assets anyone could own. Keep your home clean and stain-free with this excellent, simple cleaning product in hand. Clean Heart Maids recommends having a magic eraser easily accessible at all times. They are fast, efficient, and effortless. Visit the Clean Heart Maids website to learn more cleaning tips and tricks!