gtag('config', 'AW-11361731912');

Missouri: 816.281.5400 | Kansas: 913.281.5400 | Arkansas: 479.358.6800

 The messes never seem to stop once you bring a newborn home. That is why new parents must stay on top of things so that things do not spiral out of control. 

Keeping your house tidy will ensure that your baby has a secure environment to wander and play. Children are delicate, and you don’t want them to become ill unexpectedly since germs are everywhere. 

window cleaning while baby sleeps

The air your baby breathes.

Did you realize that the air inside your home is actually more polluted than the air outside? And, because your baby’s lungs are still maturing, you must ensure that the air within your home is clean.

Opening the windows is one of the most effective ways to purify the air in your house. In addition, crosswinds will blow, which will enhance the air quality indoors.

Filling your nursery with plants is another option. Some plants may remove most poisons from the air in less than a day.

Spider plants, Sansevieria, and Aloe Vera, are excellent plants for a nursery. These plants are also straightforward to care for. You’ll be busy enough with the newborn, so having low-maintenance plants will simplify your life.

If you acquire Aloe Vera, you may use the gel within the plant to treat your baby if they are scratched.

According to Filti, a nano-technology air filtration company, the first two steps for Clean Air In Your Home

1) Set Up Indoor Plants for Clean Air as mentioned above

2) Invest in Quality HVAC Filters for Clean Air (more about this topic at

baby resting laundry folding

Cleaning the things in your home that babies touch

Germs can be transferred between infants, toddlers, and adults via toys and play area surfaces. 

While daycares and children’s centers have strict criteria for toy cleaning, you may utilize simple techniques to safely and successfully clean baby toys at home.

Water and soap

Washing hands with soap and water is an excellent approach to prevent the transmission of germs and viruses, and it also works on toys and surfaces. For example, toys like plastic blocks, newborn rattles, and teethers are simple to clean in the sink with dish soap and warm water.

However, it is never safe to submerge or place any electrical toy that can be plugged into an electric socket in soap and water. Toys containing batteries, lights, and noises should not be washed with soap and water. Any water that gets into the electrical components might cause shorts and cause the toy to stop working.


Some toys may be designated as dishwasher safe. For example, on the top rack of the dishwasher, you may put infant rattles, plastic blocks, giant plastic pegs, plastic shape sorter pieces, and certain bath toys.

The dishwasher’s hot water and soap will help sterilize and clean toys. In addition, certain bath toys, which can develop mold and mildew over time, are ideal for the dishwasher.

Environmentally Safe Surface Cleaners

Some cleaners include harsh chemicals that kill germs, but many parents do not want their children to be exposed to them. Instead, look for baby toy cleaners that are dye-free, biodegradable, and devoid of phthalates and parabens.

Because newborns and toddlers chew on toys (particularly when teething), eco-friendly cleansers are preferable.

Wipes for the Surface

Stores have whole aisles dedicated to disinfecting surface wipes. Surface wipes are an excellent way to clean plastic toys with batteries that cannot be cleaned with soap and water or in the dishwasher.

Use a disinfectant surface wipe to clean the toy. Allow it to air-dry for a few minutes before handing it to a youngster to play with.

Pacifier wipes are also available for products such as pacifiers. These use food-grade sanitizers, which are safe for babies who put things in their mouths.

Stuffed Animals and Baby Dolls Cleaning

Many people clean their stuffed animals and baby dolls by washing and drying them. However, if not correctly cared for, certain plush animals and baby dolls can deteriorate due to repeated washings. Place the toy in a pillowcase before machine-washing to help it survive.

Plush toys can also be washed in a delicates bag. Stuffed animals may be placed inside the bag and cleaned gently in a front-loading washer and dryer. Before washing plush animals, read the labels. For example, some specialty teddy bears expressly indicate that they should not be washed.

After washing, inspect the stuffed animal for any loose eyes, seams, threads, or other attachments to verify it is still safe for your kid to touch.

light chores while baby naps

Cleaning items, babies try to taste.

Baby mouthing (or putting everything in their mouth) is a normal component of a baby’s development. It also helps their bodies become stronger and more capable of keeping them healthy.

In rare circumstances, though, infants mouthing the wrong things might endanger the baby or make them unwell.

Assume your kid will grasp at whatever they can get their hands on! First, keep an eye on what’s happening around them and what they could get their hands on. Then, with a loving but firm “No-no,” teach your kid what it is and is not acceptable to mouth.

If you believe your infant has mouthed or swallowed any of the following things, contact Poison Control (800-222-1222) and seek emergency medical attention.

Things that are toxic or poisonous

Every household has a variety of daily items that are hazardous to baby mouthing and eating. Some chemicals can also cause irritation or burns on your baby’s sensitive skin or inside their mouth.

Items to Clean Out of Baby’s Reach

  • home plants
  • dirt 
  • plant food
  • pet food 
  • cat litter 
  • batteries
  • soaps
  • household cleaners 
  • aftershave 
  • nail polish 
  • nail polish remover
  • dishwashing detergent or dishwasher pods
  • furniture polish 
  • alcoholic beverages 
  • supplements or vitamins
  • Paint thinners, markers, and ink paints
  • Antifreeze 
  • e-cigarette nicotine liquid

ironing clothes while baby sleeps

Cleaning While Baby Sleeps

Being productive in a sleepy house is difficult. While most children can—and should—sleep through some noise, causing too much commotion while cleaning may result in cutting that precious nap time short, which isn’t healthy for anybody. This means that duties like vacuuming and dishwashing should be done throughout the day.

Here are a few quiet activities you can perform while your baby is sleeping:

  1. Organize your laundry. A bustling laundry room’s soothing hum and drum can put anybody to sleep. Something is comforting about having a chore running in the background that you don’t have to keep your hands on. Folding clothes is one of the quietest housekeeping activities we’ve come across, especially if you’re listening to an audiobook or watching a movie as you do it.


  1. Refresh your refrigerator. Remove all of the food from the refrigerator, thoroughly clean all surfaces, and then reorganize the food. This is also an excellent opportunity to get rid of expired food or anything that smells off.


  1. Replace your bedding. Making the beds is another easy and quiet task that is sometimes overlooked. This is one of the fastest things to do when you are short on time since it keeps your home looking tidy and will raise your mood as you move from room to room.


The clothing your baby wears

While excitingly acquiring outfits for your child (maybe hoping their clothes were in your size), you may have been oblivious to how much washing you would be doing for this small individual.

Finally, the reality of a mound of soiled PJs and bodysuits has set in. Fortunately, whether you enjoy or despise washing, handling baby laundry is nothing to be afraid of.

Prepare the clothes for the wash. 

Before putting a load of washing in the washer, clothes should be buttoned and turned inside-out to protect patterns and seams. If you’re washing bibs or little socks, place them in a mesh laundry bag to prevent them from getting lost in the machine during the wash or drying cycles.

Use a mild detergent designed for delicate skin; this does not have to be a baby-branded detergent.

When feasible, choose a warm wash temperature to preserve the goods’ integrity. Most infant items can be cleaned on the regular cycle without trouble, but utilize the additional rinse cycle if that is a possibility for you.

Check the state of the garment for any prior stains before putting the garments in the dryer. If the stain has not been eliminated, treat and rewash the clothing before drying.

Finish the load with a low-heat tumble in the dryer to avoid shrinkage.

Bringing Home Baby and Keeping a Clean Environment

By following these helpful cleaning suggestions for new parents, you’ll be able to keep your house clean and cozy no matter what messes your new addition makes.