You most likely already have a box of baking soda on hand. Baking soda is the go-to ingredient for quick bread, muffins, biscuits, and cookies. In addition, millions of people store baking soda in their refrigerators and freezers to keep them from smelling stale.
However, did you know that the tiny orange box, shaker bottle, or 3.5-pound sack contains a multi-purpose cleaner that you can use to clean and deodorize various things and locations in your home? That’s right! Clean Heart Maids has created a handy list of baking soda cleaning hacks to help you handle chores in your kitchen, bathroom, living room, mudroom, and more.
Baking Soda Cleaning Hacks for Your Home
Eliminate Odors in the Refrigerator
Cleaning the refrigerator each month helps eliminate odors; however, adding baking soda will help keep your refrigerator smelling fresh between cleanings. Keeping baking soda in the fridge will aid in neutralizing foul odors. Add one cup of baking soda and 3 to 5 drops of either lemon or orange essential oils in a small container. Place the container in the fridge for up to a month for added freshness. Be sure to replace your baking soda on your next cleaning. You can use the discarded baking soda to clean your toilet or sink.

Clean and deodorize wooden cutting boards
Wooden cutting boards tend to soak up the scent of foods and require special care to clean and deodorize. One fantastic solution is to use lemon and salt to clean cutting boards; however, you can also use baking soda for great results. Before adding the baking soda, rinse the board so that it is wet. Next, sprinkle the baking soda onto your cutting board and use a scrub brush to clean the cutting board’s surface. Finally, thoroughly rinse the board and let it air dry.
Clean the Oven’s Bottom
For a quick and easy way to clean your oven, sprinkle a bit of baking soda on the bottom of the oven. Next, spray water on the surface, making sure the baking soda is thoroughly wet. Let the baking soda sit for at least 3 hours before scrubbing away any build-up with a sponge. Lastly, use a clean damp cloth to wipe out the remaining residue until the oven is clean.
Remove Stains from Pots
The fall season is coming up, and there is nothing better than comfort food during chilly weather. If you use an enameled Dutch oven or stockpot, you are probably familiar with the fact that the inside of the pot can become discolored with use. To remove the discoloration, fill your pot half full of water and 1/3 cup baking soda. Once the combination comes to a boil, turn it off and let it sit for 30 minutes to an hour.

Next, dump the dirty water and sprinkle more baking soda on the inside of the pot. Next, with a sponge, scrub the interior of the pot and then rinse with clean water.
Clean and Freshen Your Ceramic or Porcelain Sink
Is your sink smelly, or does it have a film that you just can’t seem to eliminate? Baking soda will take care of the issue in a jiff. Springle any brand of baking soda that you prefer over the entire surface of your ceramic or porcelain sink. Next, use a sponge or scrub brush to scrub the sink lightly. The baking soda will eliminate any discoloration or build-up, leaving your sink fresh and clean.
Baking Soda Cleaning Hacks – Polish the silverware
Baking soda is an excellent way to polish your silverware. Grab a piece of aluminum foil as well to keep it clean. All you have to do is bring water to a boil. Then, to the boiling water, add one spoonful of baking soda and a piece of foil. Insert one or two pieces of silver at a time. The tarnish will be gone in a few minutes. With tongs, remove the silver and set it aside to cool. Dry it with a clean microfiber towel.
Remove Odors from Sponges
Another baking soda cleaning hack is to use the substance to remove smells from sponges. Do you know how sponges can become smelly after a few days? Instead of purchasing new ones, clean the ones you already have to extend the life of sponges. Refresh these scrubbers with baking soda by filling a bucket with a quart of warm water and mixing in 4 teaspoons baking soda. Let the sponges soak for 30 minutes to an hour, and then let them air dry.

Freshen and deodorize garbage cans
Garbage cans are surprisingly pricey for a bucket where you put your trash. Keep your garbage cans in good condition with our baking soda cleaning hacks. Baking soda is a great way to keep smells from your garbage cans at bay. First, liberally sprinkle the bottom of your garbage can with baking soda. Then, once a week, discard and replace the baking soda. To eliminate any mess, you can also place the baking soda in a sachet made of cheesecloth or other breathable cloth and place it in the bottom of your garbage can.
Scrub the bathtub and sink in the bathroom
Cleaning your bathtub and sink is the same process as with your kitchen sink. Simply sprinkle your baking soda on the entire surface of your sink or bathtub and gently scrub with a sponge or scrub brush. The baking soda will eliminate soap scum leaving your tub and sink sparkling clean.
Freshen and deodorize toilets
Use the discarded baking soda from your refrigerator to freshen and deodorize your toilets. Liberally sprinkle your essential oil and baking soda mixture inside the toilet bowl, letting it sit for 15 minutes, then clean with a toilet brush.

Freshen and deodorize carpets
Your home’s carpet takes abuse every day. From simply walking on your carpet with your shoes to spills as well as the love pets often give to carpet and upholstery, your carpet withstands a lot of attention.
To freshen your carpet and eliminate odor:
- Sprinkle baking soda over the entire area.
- Let the baking soda sit for 30 minutes before vacuuming the floor.
- For a bonus, try adding essential oils such as lavender or one of your favorite scents!
Clean Crayon From the Walls
At some point, most parents go through the wall art stage with their children. To effectively remove your toddler’s crayon artwork from your walls, use a clean wet cloth and sprinkle it with baking soda. Next, wipe the wall with the damp baking soda until the marks are gone. If you have flat paint on your walls, there is a chance that this hack will not work as flat paint is not very washable.
Revitalize Clothes
Have your whites recently become drab and dull? Baking soda is a great way to brighten and clean clothing. Store a box of baking soda beside your washing machine. Simply add 1/2 cup of soda when you add your laundry soap each time you run a load. Colors will seem brighter, and whites will appear less dreary.
Freshen and deodorize Shoes
Stinky shoes have you down? Lightly sprinkle your shoes with baking soda and let them sit overnight. The following day all you have to do is shake them out. Say goodbye to smelly shoes and hello to tennis that feel and smell brand new.
Freshen up the Air
Choose your preferred essential oil, such as lemon or orange. Next, add baking soda until it is approximately half full in a glass container, such as a mason jar. Then add ten drops of essential oil, and then cover the jar with a breathable material. If you use a mason jar, place the lid, without the seal, over the fabric to hold it in place. If you use a container with no cover, tie the material with a ribbon or decorative string. The baking soda absorbs odors, and with the addition of essential oils, the air will have a lovely scent.

Final Thoughts on Cleaning with Baking Soda
As you can see from the baking soda cleaning tips above, it is necessary to always have baking soda on hand. From baking to cleaning your toilets and everything in between, your house will thank you for keeping baking soda close. So if you’re tired of purchasing chemical cleaners with unknown ingredients to clean your house, instead try baking soda. With our top 15 baking soda cleaning hacks, we hope your home, your shoes, and so much more smell fresher and appear brand new. For more cleaning hacks, give the cleaning experts of Kansas and Missouri a call today! Clean Heart Maids offers an abundance of exceptional residential and commercial cleaning services, all at an affordable price.