gtag('config', 'AW-11361731912');

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Effectively Reduce Dust in Your Home with These Tips!

No matter how clean your house is, it’s usually still dusty. A dusty house is a widespread issue that everyone must deal with daily. However, it is more than just an irritation. Dust contains dirt, pollen, mold spores, dead skin cells, hair, fabric fibers, and airborne contaminants, including wood ash, chemicals, and vehicle exhaust. Individuals with asthma, allergies, or other respiratory difficulties must learn to get rid of dust since it might jeopardize their health and quality of life.

Reducing the quantity of dust in your home improves air quality and can help extend the life of furniture, appliances, and household devices. However, to keep your house as dust-free as possible, you must be vigilant and consistent. It starts with a weekly cleaning routine: washing and dry-cleaning pillows to remove dust mites, vacuuming furniture and curtains regularly, and changing out fresh filters in your HVAC system monthly may help you battle dust. Keep reading for some simple tips on keeping your home’s air as clean, pleasant, and dust-free as possible.

Make Your Pillows Fresh and Clean

Dust mites may survive inside pillows even if you wash your linens and pillowcases once weekly. Wash them by hand or in the washing machine with a light detergent, then dry and fluff. If you prefer, take them to the dry cleaners instead. Whichever path you take, you’ll be able to breathe easier at night.

fresh pillows woman resting head outdoors

Weekly Bedding Change

The fibers of bed sheets produce dust. However, the more significant issue with bedding is that it collects all of your dead skin particles as you sleep. To help keep dust at bay in your bedroom, wash your sheets once a week and your blankets, comforters, and mattress pad once every month or two.

dust control changing the linens on th ebed

Furnace Filters Should Be Replaced

One of our favorite strategies to reduce dust accumulation is to change the furnace filter every month. Furnace filters are a low-cost way to purify the air and keep dust from drifting around the house. Although several types of furnace filters exist in the marketplace, ranging from low-cost pleated paper filters to reusable electrostatic filters, choose one made for your furnace and allows for the most protection.

reduce dust in home using air filters

Vacuum often

Spending a little more on a decent vacuum cleaner is the most effective way to add to your dust-busting arsenal. A thorough vacuum once a week, or even once a day, will help to eliminate dust. In addition, many current bag-less models include built-in HEPA filters, which catch even tiny dirt particles and assist in refreshing the air.

dust removal with vacuuming

Air Purification

Air purifiers are available in various forms and sizes, ranging from whole-house systems to compact, portable single-room systems. The most typical varieties include a fan to circulate air and a filter to collect dust and other impurities.

air purification to remove dust

Furniture and fabrics should be dusted.

Vacuuming is helpful for more than simply floors. How frequently do you wash your curtains? Or should you vacuum your couch? How often should you clean your lampshades? The delicate fibers in the fabric of these items collect a lot of dust. Regular cleaning of your textiles is essential for a dust-free home, whether using steam cleaning or a dry vacuum.

dust free furniture

Keep Windows Shut

Opening the windows to obtain some fresh air may seem to be the obvious solution, but doing so actually increases the quantity of dust in your home. Airborne contaminants, pollen, and mold spores all enter through doors and windows, causing a considerable accumulation of dust that you can see on windowsills. Keeping the windows closed, especially on windy days, will help to alleviate the problem.

dust conatined by keeping windows closed

Bathe Your Pet Frequently

Dead skin cells and hair are primary sources of dust, and unfortunately, our furry pals create a lot of hair! Groom pets regularly to prevent dead skin and hair from collecting. As a bonus, both you and your dogs will feel better. Keeping the kitty’s litter box covered will also help keep the dust at bay.

bathe your pet to remove dust and dander

Doormats for the Interior and Exterior

Every time someone enters the house from the outside, they bring dirt with them—and little dirt particles are a significant component of dust. So use outdoor and interior doormats, preferably those with a bristle top, to catch dirt and prevent it from entering your home. To avoid accumulation, wash or vacuum the mats regularly.

dust prevention using door mats

It may seem challenging to keep your house as dust-free as possible, but with a bit of work each week, you can make a significant difference in the quality of air in your home and the life of your furniture and appliances. Have you tried any of these dust-reduction techniques in your home? If not, why not give them a go right now? If you need help staying on top of all the cleaning, try hiring a professional cleaning service like Clean Heart Maids to visit once a week or once a month to take care of everything. Thank you for your time!