Organizing Your Bedroom Like a Pro
Many individuals underestimate the significance of a well-organized room. If you are always running out of places to put your belongings, it’s time to find better storage solutions. However, when you execute creative storage correctly, they may open up a space, making your room appear larger. We’ve created a list of bedroom organization ideas to help you get your room in order and clear away the clutter.
Opt for a Nightstand That Has Drawers
When selecting a nightstand, or two, for your bedroom, look for ones with drawers. Otherwise, you will end up covering the top of your nightstand with items you want close to you. The trick is to use your storage space wisely, which allows you to have everything you need close at hand.

Organize Your Nightstand Drawers with Compartment Bins
Drawers, especially when storing smaller objects, may rapidly become a hot mess. The trick to keeping things tidy and pleasant is to use small containers to divide the available space. In addition, using containers can help you organize your stuff in an orderly manner so you can quickly locate what you’re searching for.
Declutter Everything
Letting go of items you have collected over your lifetime can be challenging! However, you may have to pick between having an organized room with plenty of space and having a cluttered room with items you don’t use but don’t want to get rid of. On the other hand, it feels like a weight lifted when you get rid of unwanted items and keep what you often use or love. Plus, you have an opportunity to help others by donating or selling items. Finally, getting rid of things you no longer use could be a treasure for another individual.
Every Item Should Have a Designated Spot
If your goal is to have a clutter-free bedroom that you can unwind and relax in, be careful to only keep things in your bedroom that have a designated home. Do not keep things in your bedroom because it is easier than returning them to their proper place.

Keep Surfaces Clean and Free of Clutter
It’s easy to toss things on the top of your dresser, nightstand, or another available surface in your bedroom to deal with on another day. But if you keep setting things on any available surface instead of putting them away, the result will be a mess.
The entire area will feel cleaner if you keep surfaces free of clutter. Once you let a tiny amount of clutter onto the tops of dressers and other surfaces, you will soon find it easy to add more to the mess. So, if you can keep surfaces clear, you are signaling that you want to keep the area clutter-free.
Use an Ottoman or Trunk for Extra Storage
Using a trunk or ottoman for extra storage in your bedroom is ideal for items such as blankets, linens, or anything else you need to store but want out of sight. Besides offering more storage space, it also serves as a comfortable place to sit and put your shoes on or even a place for your laundry while you fold and put things where they belong.
Organization Ideas for Bedroom – Add a Wall Shelf
Shelving is an excellent way to store books or other objects that you wish to exhibit. In addition, you may remove clutter on other surfaces and keep things nice and tidy by installing shelving.

Increase the Usable Storage Space in Your Closet
It is very common in standard closets to have a lot of unused space. Typically, you have one bar to hang your clothes on with a shelf above the bar for storage. But, what about all the space under your clothes? Consider using a closet organizing system to use all of the available space. There are several alternatives available, including shelving and an additional bar to hang more garments.
Use Hooks on the Wall
Wall hooks are excellent for quickly storing items. For example, install a couple of hooks close to your bedroom door to hang hats, your favorite hoodie, or any other item you frequently take with you when you head out for the day. Hooks are a convenient method to keep items where they belong, but they also limit what you can keep out and help to reduce clutter.
Add Storage on Wheels to Organize Your Bedroom on a Budget
Even though closet organizing systems are fantastic, they aren’t always a feasible choice. Maybe you’re renting, or you are on a tight budget, or the shape and size of your closet don’t lend themselves to using a closet organizer. If that’s the case, you still have lots of alternatives! Bringing in a rolling cart is one method to use the available space under your hanging clothes.
Even if there isn’t enough space in your closet for a rolling cart, you can use these gems to provide additional storage space in your room. Rolling carts are one of our most clever storage ideas for small bedrooms, and best of all, you can quickly move them wherever you need them.
Put a Dresser in Your Closet
Is your room crammed with furniture? One of our top bedroom organization hacks is to consider putting a dresser at the bottom of your closet. Your room will feel more spacious while optimizing your closet’s storage.
Use Slimline Hangers in The Closet
Choosing hangers for your closet is a simple solution that can make a significant impact! When hangers are not bulky, there is more room, and the closet appears more organized. Try using inexpensive slimline hangers for a consistent look and the benefit of giving you more space to hang your clothing.

Pickup Your Shoes
If everything is off the floor, it is less likely to become a dumping ground for your shoes or other objects such as backpacks or work bags. It is less difficult to vacuum and clean the baseboards. And instead of being strewn around indiscriminately, our shoes have a dedicated location. Getting shoes off the floor, whether with components from a closet system or in stacking pantry bins, may help the whole area appear a lot tidier.
Have a Donation Bin Set Up
Finally, make it easy to donate things you no longer need to avoid accumulating more clutter! One easy way to accomplish this is to set up a donation container. When you decide you no longer want an item or it no longer fits, put it into the donate bin to get it out of your way. When your bin is full, it’s time to take your donations to the nearest donation center!
Wrapping Up Budget-Friendly Bedroom Organization Ideas
Your bedroom should be a safe place where you can relax and de-stress from the day. So don’t let clutter overtake your bedroom, and try a few (or all) of the above organization ideas for bedrooms to truly enjoy your space mess-free. From simply keeping surfaces clean to designating a bin for donations, there are a variety of affordable habits and organization ideas to take your bedroom from a mess to a relaxing oasis.
Visit our website for more tips on organization and cleaning your home, office, and other spaces. If you need professional cleaning services, give us a call today! Clean Heart Maids are the cleaning experts of Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas and we are committed to providing exceptional service to our clients.