gtag('config', 'AW-11361731912');

Missouri: 816.281.5400 | Kansas: 913.281.5400 | Arkansas: 479.358.6800

If you own or manage a professional office space, you want to keep it as clean, pleasant, and organized as possible to maximize productivity. You also want to ensure that your employees have a fun and healthy work environment that helps maintain their positive mental attitude. Make sure to plan frequent office cleanings to do this. You and your staff can conduct office cleaning on your own, or you can hire specialists to undertake maintenance jobs. Consider using this office cleaning checklist if you plan an office cleaning routine. This best office cleaning checklist includes a list of all the areas in your workplace that should not be overlooked while cleaning, as well as information on how frequently each item should be cleaned.

Cleaning Checklist for Outside Your Office

Cleanliness is essential, inside and out. Make sure to take some time to clean the outside of your workplace. Not only will it look better, but it’ll create a cleaner and healthier environment for everyone. The exterior of your office also contributes to its first impression. 

Take the following steps to maintain the outside of your workplace to keep it tidy.

  • Sweep away leaves, branches, or rubbish on the sidewalk or at the front entrance.
  • Check that welcome mats are in the proper location and clean.
  • Clean the glass doors and exterior windows to ensure they are clean, streak-free, and shining.
  • Empty outside trash cans to avoid odors and bugs.
  • Remove any branches or shrubs that obstruct walkways, sidewalks, or doorways.
  • Check the parking area for dangers such as branches or snow heaps that restrict people from walking or parking.
  • Hire Professionals to Assist with your Office Cleaning Checklist

exterior office cleaning checklist

Cleaning Waiting Areas and Office Reception Checklist

A lobby area is an excellent opportunity to make a solid first impression. First impressions are essential, so ensure your lobby area is inviting and clean. A well-designed lobby can leave a lasting impression on visitors and make them feel welcome.

Take the following cleaning actions to accomplish this.

  • Clean up and set up a welcome desk.
  • Dust waiting room tables, desks, hard surfaces, and other things.
  • Empty the recycling and garbage cans.
  • Ensure guests always have enough water by refilling the water cooler’s water container.
  • Arrange periodicals or books that have been placed out for visitors to enjoy.
  • If everyday coffee is located inside the lobby area, clean the coffee maker, inside and out, then replace the filters.
  • Dust and clean the company signs, windows, and other initial features visitors may see.
  • Disinfect all surfaces people come into contact with, such as call buttons and bells, lighting, TV displays, phones, etc.
  • Shampoo the carpet in your office’s waiting and common areas at least once every 3 to 4 months.

lobby area cleaning checklist

Cleaning Office Desks and Cubicles Checklist

It’s essential to keep your workspace clean and tidy. The workspace includes desks, chairs, and any other areas where you spend time working. Messy surroundings can lead to a decrease in productivity, so it’s essential to take the time to keep things tidy. A little effort goes the distance in maintaining a clean and orderly workspace.

Perform the following procedures to keep the areas where people sit and work clean and orderly, such as desks, cubicles, and shared work tables.

  • Clean computer monitors and keyboards.
  • Empty garbage cans and recycle paper.
  • Vacuum the floor around and beneath desks and tables.
  • Office windows should be cleaned.
  • Phones, lights, keyboards, fax machines, copiers, staplers, and other surfaces people contact should be disinfected.
  • Dust workstations, shelves, and other surfaces.

office workspace cleaning checklist

Cleaning Office Bathrooms Checklist

It is important to regularly clean and disinfect your workplace bathroom. A clean bathroom helps to prevent the spread of illness and keeps everyone in the office healthy. A clean and disinfected bathroom also helps to create a professional impression for customers and clients.

Here’s how to maintain a healthy and clean bathroom.

  • Toilets should be scrubbed, dried, and disinfected.
  • Disinfect and clean the sinks.
  • Sweep to clean the floor, followed by disinfecting it with a mop.
  • Disinfect all hard surfaces after cleaning them, discarding paper towels and other waste that isn’t in the recycling container.
  • Paper towel holders and toilet paper rolls that are empty should be replenished.
  • Clean the mirror using glass cleaner.
  • Check that all of the hand-drying machines are functional. If your hand dryers are not functioning properly, attempt to fix them, or contact a professional maintenance specialist if you cannot resolve the issue. 

commercial bathroom cleaning checklist

Cleaning Checklist for Office Kitchens and Break Rooms

The kitchen is where office workers go for their coffee breaks. It’s also where they replenish their energy with snacks throughout the day. The break room is also where employees socialize and take a breather from work.

Here’s how you can maintain the office kitchen and breakroom, keeping them clean and tidy:

  • Food wrappers, undesirable food, expired perishables, and other items should be discarded.
  • Clean utensils and dishware and store them in the cabinetry. 
  • Empty the garbage and recycle bins.
  • Remove any expired food from the refrigerator. Disinfect refrigerator surfaces.
  • Clean the coffee maker and discard any used coffee grounds.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces where people consume and prepare food, such as tables and countertops.
  • Appliances such as the toaster or microwave should be cleaned.
  • Check the water cooler to ensure enough water and glasses are available for everyone.

employee breakroom cleaning checklist

Positive Effects of a Clean Office

Having all the materials and equipment required to work in your office is critical to ensure your staff is productive. Taking the time to keep your office clean and ensure everything is in good condition also shows your staff that you care about the environment they work in.

Use this ultimate office cleaning checklist above to stay on top of things, or call a professional commercial cleaning service like Clean Heart Maids. Our commercial cleaning service professionals will ensure that every vital element of your workplace is in excellent shape and that you have a pleasant working environment.