Although cleaning can be a big job, it is very satisfying when the job is done. A clean home is a happy home! I have to laugh out loud here, because, as soon as the job is complete at my house, there is usually something else to clean in a matter of an hour. This is especially true when you have kids and pets.
However, I absolutely love the way I feel when I have a clean home, even if it is just for a short amount of time. A great way to keep your home clean and free of chemicals from cleaning products is to use lemon juice for cleaning.
Why Lemon Juice For Cleaning
Lemon, like vinegar, is an excellent cleaner. Lemon acid is naturally antibacterial and antiseptic, and also serves as a natural bleach. Not only is lemon great to use as a natural cleanser, but the citrus scent is also energizing and refreshing.
There is only one caveat to keep in mind. While lemons, lemon juice, and lemon oil can help with various housekeeping tasks, they are not disinfectants. In other words, it is not a suitable alternative for bleach or similar chemicals when attempting to eliminate harmful germs from cooking surfaces. Because food safety is critical, have proper cleaning supplies on hand and use them as needed.
When cleaning with lemon juice, lemon oil, or lemons, start with a small test area. Be sure to rinse the items afterward with warm water and gentle soap, and then dry with a clean microfiber cloth. A word of caution, never use lemon juice to clean natural stone (tile, counters, floors, or countertops), and do not use lemon juice on brass plated items due to corrosion. Aside from those two items, you can use lemon juice to clean all of the following items in the article below.

Purchasing Lemons
When you purchase lemons, whether to eat or clean, consider getting organically grown lemons. The primary reason for this is that pesticides are known to have traces of thiabendazole, an endocrine-disrupting chemical, and imazalil. Both of these chemicals are classified by the EPA as possibly carcinogenic. These substances have been found in both the fruit and rind of non-organic lemons. You can also use lemon juice and lemon oil in place of fresh lemons.
Cleaning With Lemons
Lemons have so many great uses, in addition to making lemonade and lemon pie. The practical use of lemons in everyday household cleaning is amazing! And although vinegar is an excellent cleaning agent, the smell can be somewhat overwhelming. If you love cleaning with vinegar, mixing lemon juice with vinegar might assist in masking the vinegar scent. Below are just a few examples of what you can clean with lemon juice.
Laminate Countertops
To clean laminate counters, start by cutting a whole lemon in half and squeezing the juice onto the surface. Next, pay special attention to stained areas, using the lemon as a scrubber. Allow the juice to sit on the stains for a few minutes before rinsing and drying. The citric acid in the lemon will swiftly eliminate the stains. If you do not have fresh lemons, bottled lemon juice for cleaning can be just as effective.

Cutting Boards
You can put the same technique to use for cutting boards as you use for your countertops to clean and disinfect them. First, use the lemon as a scrubber and then allow the juice to sit on the cutting board until the stains are no longer visible.
Lemon Juice for Cleaning Tupperware
Lemons are great in the removal of food stains from your favorite Tupperware and food storage containers. Simply squeeze some lemon juice into the container and add a pinch of baking soda. If you are using a lemon versus bottled juice, work the lemon as a sponge or cleaning cloth on the surface. If the stains are severe, let the juice sit in the food containers overnight before scrubbing.
Coffee Pot and Tea Kettles
Lemon juice is excellent for removing mineral buildup from your coffee pot or tea kettle. Slice an entire lemon and place the slices in the coffee pot or tea kettle. For your coffee pot, run water through the pot like you are making a pot of coffee. For your tea kettle, add water to the kettle and bring the water to a boil. Let the mixture soak for an hour or so before rinsing and drying.
Cleaning Copper
To clean copper pots with lemons, cut a lemon in half and sprinkle it with table salt. Next, rub the lemon on the copper pot in a scrubbing motion while squeezing the juice onto the brass. Continue to scrub the copper with the lemon halve until all of the tarnish is gone. Add additional salt to the lemon as needed. Next, rinse the pot with hot water and pat dry. It is critical to always keep the bottom of your copper pots and pans as clean as possible because of the way they distribute heat.
Lemon Juice for Cleaning Brass
If an item is brass plated, one side will be brass, and the other will be pure black. As we said earlier, never use lemons or lemon juice on brass plated items. However, it is excellent to use lemons on solid brass. If you have anything brass plated, carefully clean the items with an oil soap – never use an acidic cleaner on them. For cleaning solid brass, use the same approach as for copper – half a lemon with salt sprinkled on it and massage until clean. Rinse well with water.
Degreasing with Lemon Juice
Are you tired of scrubbing your stovetop and other surfaces that tend to become greasy? Not to worry, the acid in lemon juice will cut right the grease and grime.
Garbage Disposal and Drain
Lemons are great for cleaning your kitchen drain and garbage disposal. The lemons’ rind will help sharpen and freshen the disposal, leaving your kitchen smelling fresh and clean! For a clogged drain, combine baking soda and lemon juice. The foaming action will clear minor clogs in an instant.

DIY Lemon Glass and Windows Cleaner
Lemon juice for cleaning windows and glass is a fantastic way to make these surfaces shiny again. Our go-to lemon juice cleaner recipe is as follows: in a spray bottle, add two tablespoons of lemon juice and one cup of hot water to make your DIY cleaner. You can also add one tablespoon of vinegar, but it is not necessary.
Rust Remover for Clothing
To remove rust from clothing, apply lemon juice to the rust spot. Next, sprinkle cream of tartar on top. Rub the solution into the stain and leave it to rest until the rust is gone. The citric acid in the juice will dissolve the rust. If you run into a stubborn stain, let the solution sit for 30 minutes and then wash your clothes as usual.
Bleaching White Garments
Did you know you can use lemon juice to bleach white clothing? Simply combine 1/2 cup lemon juice with one gallon of hot water. Lemon juice is great for cotton and polyester garments; however, do not use it on silk. When using lemon to bleach clothing, allow the garments to soak for an hour. If necessary, soak overnight. When you finish soaking the clothing, remove them from the lemon water mixture, place them in the washing machine, and wash as usual. Unlike regular bleach, with lemon juice and water, you don’t have to worry about over-bleaching.
Refrigerator Odors
Unwanted odors in your home can sometimes be challenging to eliminate. Lemons can be an effective way of eliminating odors in your home, especially refrigerator odors. Slice a lemon in half for a fresh-smelling refrigerator and place it on a saucer in the fridge. The lemon will eliminate any foul food odors. Be sure to change the lemon once a week.
Bonus! Removing Sticky Labels
Don’t you just hate when you peel a sticker off of a jar, or book and it leaves sticky gunk that wants to cling on for dear life? The sticker residue is just a pet peeve but it looks and feels gross. No matter how hard you try, nothing seems to work. Well, we have a simple solution that works like a charm! All you need is lemon oil, and a paper towel or soft cloth.
- Place a one or two drops of lemon essential oil on the corner of your paper towel or clean soft cloth.
- Place the corner of the paper towel or cloth with the oil on the sticker residue and let it sit for a few seconds.
- Gently rub the oil into the sticker residue, adding additional oil as needed.
- Wipe away the residue with a clean section of your paper towel or cloth.
- Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Final Scrubs on Using Lemon Juice for Cleaning
The psychology of cleaning your home is baffling, and because a clean home does wonders for your mental wellbeing and anxiety, it is essential to clean your house the right way. Avoiding harmful chemicals and using lemon juice for cleaning is an excellent method. So, next time you are out and about, grab a few lemons and bottled lemon juice. From your countertops to your clothing, there are so many ways to clean with lemons. For more cleaning advice and tips, call in the experts at Clean Heart Maids!